Introduction It is important for bilingual schools to count on community organizations to help ELLs to develop language proficiency. One effective way to do so is by online fan practices that are also used for literacy learning and identity work. According to Sauro (2017), online fans are the individuals with positive conviction to examine famous, enticing and interesting topics for a more enriching academic performance. In this manner, ELLs can be engaged in using digital communication such as IPads, laptops, tablets and cell phones to share and discuss about extracurricular academic activities. For instance, community organizations can prompt ELLs to discuss about music, literature, history, television among others. In addition, digital communication gives students expanding learning opportunities to find affinity groups or peers. Therefore, they can share among one another information that they consider relevant for their sociocultural and educational context. (Throne and Sauro 2015). Similarly, Sauro (2017) also states that the use of technology, by means of the fan practice media, can help students to learn among one another the target language. They can engage in discussions or debates about topics of their interests like controversial, language culture and health issues. Hence, the community organizations can guide ELLs to be actively participating in these topic discussions or debates by using digital communication practices for developing their English proficiency and an overall cultural knowledge of this language. Community organizations can also keep track of the participation of ELLs in the digital communication practices. For example, what community organizations can do is to keep records of the times that ELLs access to the web page to participate with other peers in the discussion about the different topics offered in the fan practice media. On the other hand, Shmow (2009) states that the activities online for ELLs to develop language proficiency and promoted by the community organizations need to rely on a constructive basis. Following this learning paradigm, ELLs will be prompted to make efforts getting engaged in challenge activities over an extended period of time. In this way, students are engaged in participating in English language learning and social participation activities, motivated by intrinsic interest and enjoyment of such activities. Goal: Community organizations will promote activities for ELLs to improve their language proficiency by technology-use to interact with other ELLs. Objective 1: Community Organizations will promote ELLs community centers for language development by using technology. Objective 2: Community organizations will promote ELLs in developing a taste for English language development. Objective 1: Community Organizations will promote ELLs community centers for social awareness development. Activity 1: a) Community organizations will guide ELLs to participate in a school project for language development. b) Community organizations will organize ELLs in CLG. c) Community organizations will ask students to work on a project to participate with community organizations at school. The project will include the following points: • Written project: title, goals, planned activities. • Recorded video • Post their videos on • Projects options are: a play, a news visit, radio station visit. d) Community organizations will ask ELLs to work in CLG by using their IPads or cell phones. ELLs will post their projects script in the e) Each CLG will read and critique each published script and post it in the padlet. f) ELLs will video record their performances in their IPads or cell phones using Fillmora and post it in the padlet for being evaluated by other students and the community organization. g) ELLs will consult video rubrics and grade their classmates’ performances attending. Resources: Cell phones or IPads, Recorded video from, Fillmora software, Video rubric. Personnel involved: The instructor, Librarians from the Language Center of Philosophy and Arts school UANL. Evaluation activities: Project rubric, video rubric, video critique rubric. Outcomes: A written project, recorded video and a script. Timeline: A total of 8 hours in September 2018 Activity2: a) The instructor will look for a community organization that gives ELLs the opportunity to work on an ecologic campaign. Once the school finds the community organization, this will interview ELLs who agree on the project to be performed. b) The instructor will take into account the following campaign elements to be included in the ecologic project. The community organization will have ELLs get involved with the following activities by using their IPads or cell phones: • Ecologic plan for helping the community to have a healthier environment. It will include community activities. • A brochure to invite the community to participate in the ecologic program to help to create a better environment. • Activities to be performed will be led and organized by ELLs. c) The instructor will request the community organization to create a Virtual Classroom (CV) for posting ELLs outcomes. d) The instructor will ask the community organization to inform about the projects of ELLs by accessing to and create a VC. e) The community organization will review the ecologic plans, the brochure and activities in the VC and critique them. The community organization will give ELLs a feedback by the use of the VC. ELLs will read the feedback and make the necessary corrections. Resources: Cell phones and IPads, Personnel involved: The instructor and the Sustainability Department of UANL Evaluation activities: Ecologic plan rubric, brochure rubric, and VC rubric. Outcomes: Written project, recorded video, padlet post, project script, and critique. Timeline: A total of 7 hours in September 2018 Objective 2: Community organizations will motivate ELLs in developing a taste for English language. Activity 1: a) Instructors will invite a community organization to organize a story telling program in the district. ELLs will actively be involved in the program development. b) Community organization will create a Facebook poll to contact ELLs in the district and to ask then to answer by using their IPads. This aim to know what the most preferred ELLs readings topic is. c) Community organization analyzes the poll results and will determine the topics for the story telling program. d) Community organization will write a schedule for the story telling program. The schedule will include the following components: • Dates and stories to be told • Place. • Activities name. • Brief activities description. e) Community organizations will create the environment where the story takes place. Community organization participants will dress costumes and if possible will include favorable scenery to set the story. Resources: Cell phones or IPads, and Facebook. Personnel involved: The Instructor and Literacy Department of UANL. Evaluation activities: Storytelling rubric, Facebook poll criteria, schedule program criteria, Activities description rubric. Outcomes: Written story telling program, Facebook poll, written schedule program, written activities. Timeline: A total of 8 hours in October 2018. Activity 2: a) The instructors will ask community organizations to create a Virtual Classroom (VC) for joining ELLs who will participate in the school project for preventing diseases. b) The instructors will request community organizations to organize ELLs in CLG. The instructors will ask community organizations to lead ELLs to investigate and summarize in six steps how to prevent obesity. c) Community organizations will ask ELLs to use their cell phones to publish an investigation report in Edoome VC. d) Community organizations will ask ELLs to use their cell phones, read their partners’ posts and write a critique for each post. e) Community organizations will instruct the ELLs to work on publisher for creating a brochure. ELLs will be asked to include six steps to prevent obesity. f) Community organizations will ask ELLs to post their brochure in the VC. ELLs will review others’ brochures and post five questions to the author of each brochure. g) Community organizations will ask ELLs to plan a campaign for preventing obesity. The campaign will consist of: • Campaign’s name. • Tow objectives. • Brief description of activities. • Advertisements. h) Community organizations will ask ELLs to publish their campaigns plans in Edoome VC in the corresponding folder. i) Community organizations will invite ELLs to review others’ plan and post a critique. j) Community organizations will ask ELLs to record a video of their activities by using Fillmora in their cell phones, laptops and/or IPads and use it to make a promotion video for preventing obesity. Resources: Cell phones or IPads, and Facebook. Personnel involved: The Instructor and Prevention Obesity Department of Universitario Hospital. Evaluation activities: Virtual Classroom rubric, Project rubric, Investigation report rubric, post rubric, brochure rubric, Campaign plan rubric, commercial video rubric. Outcomes: Edoome virtual classroom, school project for diseases prevention, investigation report, critique post, brochure, campaign plan, and commercial video. Timeline: A total of 7 hours in October 2018.


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